When you enroll in a distance learning course, you can choose to participate in live broadcasts or to view pre-recorded lectures. While you can still interact with fellow classmates, a classroom setting typically offers social interactions and one set class length. In contrast, distance learning allows you to devote as much time as necessary to each topic, ensuring that you fully understand every concept. It also provides a more flexible schedule, allowing you to learn at your own pace.
In addition to addressing equity issues, distance learning should be designed to support educators and learners from historically underrepresented groups. By using universal design for learning principles, distance learning should benefit the entire community, including historically underrepresented groups. One such tool is the SAMR Framework, which assesses the use of technology in instruction. It takes a holistic approach to teaching and learning and identifies four key stages. If you want to learn more about distance learning, start here!
The first step is to decide whether you’re comfortable with distance learning. Some distance learning courses are primarily web-based, so you’ll have to decide whether it suits you and your schedule. Online learning is generally more convenient, especially if you’re working full-time and don’t want to spend a lot of time traveling to class. Distance learning also allows you to study from anywhere in the world, allowing you to study any subject you want, whether it’s in the US or abroad.