While there are some fields of information technology that remain relatively static, the vast majority of courses in the field are ever-changing. Information technology training equips students with all the knowledge they need to succeed in their career. But it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, security threats, and end-of-life for major software. This means taking general topics and math courses in addition to specialized information technology courses.
The first course in the College of Management curriculum is Information Technology Foundation. Students will learn about the history and theory of information systems, as well as their practical application. Coursework will include learning the basics of computer programming languages and operating systems, as well as information security and privacy. Students will also be exposed to internet microcomputer applications and word processing programs. To demonstrate their level of competency, students will apply data management, web development, and computer programming skills. Students will also be introduced to artificial intelligence.
Students who earn an undergraduate degree in information technology will learn technical communication and mathematics. Coursework will often focus on web design, programming, database management, and systems analysis. Students will also take courses related to computer hardware and operating systems. They will learn about security and data structure and algorithms. Students may also take courses related to data science, philosophy, and mathematics. Information technology majors are also highly sought-after in the job market and have the opportunity to be successful in their career.