Are you someone who appreciates a good soak in the tub? Here, let me paint you a picture. Its night. You’ve had one of those days where it seems like every dream you’ve ever had is just a little too far away. Your boss yelled at you, you realized you need new tennis shoes. You get home and you’ve got bills to pay. And the person you love is a thousand miles away. On days like today, the only thing you can do is take care of yourself. So you decide to do just that. You light some candles. You start to draw your bath. You turn on your favorite record, and you get the temperature just right. You put a drop of scented oil in the tub as you step in. Ahhhhh, it’s heaven. It’s the one place on this planet where no one will get you. That you’re safe from all of the little horrors we have to endure daily. As you’re lying there, listening to John Coltrane, taking sips from a glass of wine you’ve poured for yourself. You start to notice all that tension you were carrying, and slowly start to fade out of your perception. You start to feel your shoulders relax. You take a deep breath. All those worries. All those stresses. They’re somewhere out there. Outside of this tub. For you, there is only the heat of the water, the sound of the music, and the cool relaxing glass of wine that you sip from. As your thoughts begin to blur and your mind starts to pull focus away from anything material. You slowly but surely start nodding off. Finally, as Coltrane enters the final refrain of Ruby, My Dear; you fall asleep completely.
Now fast forward to when you wake up. The waters are still warm. The music is still lovely, but as you stand up to leave the bath you notice something has gone terribly wrong. You first notice it as you stretch. Your legs are ok, your back is ok, and your shoulders are ok. But your neck? Ooooh falling asleep on the lip of that tub has caused a kink in your neck like no other. It’s so bad that you can hardly stand up straight. And isn’t that a shame? You went through all that effort for a fun relaxing night and you ended up with a thrown-out neck. Isn’t that just the worst? But wait before the tears fall. What if I told you that, you could have avoided this whole conundrum? You see, there are some amazing people out there who have felt this very same situation. That’s why I’ve decided to create this amazing guide to one of the best bath neck pillows for tub! So that you can relax the night away without worrying about any pain!
Wellsprings of Everlasting Comfort
For our first foray into the world of pillows for the tub. I’d like to recommend this amazing one from Everlasting Comfort. This is an incredible piece that features a waterproof construction as well as a plethora of features! These include suction cups so that you can find the most comfortable spot for you and stick to it. As well as a convenient drying hook, so that after your bath, you can hang your pillow right next to your towels! Not only that but there’s a pocket on the side perfect for a bottle of lotion! And to top it all off the pillow is machine washable! This makes it a breeze to keep your pillow fresh and clean so that you don’t have to worry about any mold or mildew! This is a fantastic option for almost any tub enthusiast! And as if that wasn’t enough. This amazing pillow is featured as an amazon’s choice product! So don’t just take my word for it, take a gander at one of the many five-star reviews it has and decide for yourself!
When you’re trying to relax after a stressful day, it can feel almost impossible. When you get home you’re in a bad mood. Your body’s aching, and you have a headache. Your mind is ringing from an off-color remark your boss said. It is a terrible feeling. But it’s in these moments that it’s so important we remember to take care of ourselves. Whether it be through a bath, a long walk or even just sitting down and throwing something on TV. We must find the time to take care of ourselves. So if you’re someone who finds those moments of bliss and relaxation in the tub. Then, please. Do yourself a favor and consider this amazing bath pillow from Everlasting Comfort. Give yourself that little extra bit of care you deserve!